Logan Anderson is the Owner of All Strong Fitness LLC, a company that helps the underserved through fitness and health. He has experience working with 1000’s of seniors, adolescents, special olympics athletes, individuals with disabilities, and many others, all with the goal of improving their independence in their health and wellness journey. Through college, he spent time shadowing numerous opportunities in the fitness industry, including collegiate strength and conditioning, cardiac rehabilitation, adolescent athletics, and even senior fitness. His vast perspective on the vast amount of ways the body can think, move, and adapt, has given him a unique perspective to coaching individuals of all abilities. All individuals, regardless of their current ability in life, should have the independence and knowledge to make healthy decisions for themselves. Logan takes the complex and sometimes intimidating world of fitness and brings it to a level that individuals of all physical, mental, and emotional abilities can understand. Join him in helping make the world All Strong!

Written by Logan and Other Contributors

All Strong Fitness

Inclusive Sit to Stand Practice

Special Olympics Minnesota Seminar

Special Olympics Iowa Webinar Clip